
Icon SunFilledIcon MoonStars

Icon LinkCommands

The fuels CLI consists of a couple commands.

Icon Linkfuels init

npx fuels help init
  -w, --workspace <path>          Relative dir path to Forc workspace
  -c, --contracts <path|global>   Relative path/globals to  Contracts
  -s, --scripts <path|global>     Relative path/globals to  Scripts
  -p, --predicates <path|global>  Relative path/globals to  Predicates
  -o, --output <path>             Relative dir path for Typescript generation

Creating a sample fuel.config.ts file:

npx fuels init --contracts ./my-contracts/* --output ./src/sway-contracts-api

Using Forc workspaces Icon Link? Try this instead:

npx fuels init --workspace ./sway-programs --output ./src/sway-programs-api

This will give you a minimal configuration:

import { createConfig } from 'fuels';
export default createConfig({
	workspace: './sway-programs', // forc workspace
	output: './src/sway-programs-api',

In a nutshell:

├── sway-programs # <— forc workspace
├── src
│   └── sway-programs-api # <— output
├── fuels.config.ts
└── package.json

Icon LinkSee more

Icon Linkfuels build

npx fuels help build
  -p, --path <path>  Path to project root (default: "/Users/anderson/Code/fuel/fuels-ts/apps/docs")
  -d, --deploy       Deploy contracts after build (auto-starts a `fuel-core` node if needed)
  -h, --help         Display help


npx fuels build
  1. Build all Sway programs under your workspace using forc 1
  2. Generate types for them using fuels-typegen 2
npx fuels build --deploy

Using the --deploy flag will additionally:

  1. Auto-start a short-lived fuel-core node if needed (docs )
  2. Run deploy on that node
Icon InfoCircle

This is useful when working with contracts because a contract's ID is generated only on deployment.

Icon Linkfuels deploy

npx fuels deploy
  1. Deploy all Sway contracts under workspace
  2. Saves their deployed IDs to:
    • ./src/sway-programs-api/contract-ids.json
  "myContract1": "0x..",
  "myContract2": "0x.."

Use it when instantiating your contracts:

import { SampleAbi__factory } from './sway-programs-api';
import contractsIds from './sway-programs-api/contract-ids.json';
	* Get IDs using:
	*   contractsIds.<my-contract-name>
const wallet = new Wallet.fromPrivateKey(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY);
const contract = SampleAbi__factory.connect(contractsIds.sample, wallet);
const { value } = await contract.functions
	.txParams({ gasLimit: 10_000 })

For a complete example, see:

Icon Linkfuels dev

npx fuels dev

The fuels dev command do three things:

  1. Auto-start a short-lived fuel-core node (docs )
  2. Runs build and deploy once at the start
  3. Watches your Forc workspace and repeats previous step on every change
Icon InfoCircle

In dev mode, everytime you update a contract on your Forc workspace, we re-generate type definitions and factory classes for it, following your pre-configured output directory. If it's part of another build system running in dev mode (i.e. next dev), you can expect it to re-build / auto-reload as well.

Icon Linkfuels typegen

Manually generates type definitions and factory classes from ABI JSON files.

npx fuels help typegen
  -i, --inputs <path|glob...>  Input paths/globals to your Abi JSON files
  -o, --output <dir>           Directory path for generated files
  -c, --contract               Generate types for Contracts [default]
  -s, --script                 Generate types for Scripts
  -p, --predicate              Generate types for Predicates
  -S, --silent                 Omit output messages

For more info, check:

Icon Linkfuels versions

Check for version incompatibilities between your Fuel Toolchain component versions, matching them against the ones supported by the Typescript SDK version that you have.

npx fuels versions
You have all the right versions!┌───────────┬───────────┬─────────────────┐
│           │ SupportedYours / System├───────────┼───────────┼─────────────────┤

Icon Linkfuels forc

Simple wrapper around the forc binary.

Check also:

Icon Linkfuels core

Simple wrapper around the fuel-core binary.

Check also: