
Icon SunFilledIcon MoonStars

Icon LinkIncreasing the block height

You can use produce_blocks to help achieve an arbitrary block height; this is useful when you want to do any testing regarding transaction maturity.

Icon InfoCircle

Note: For the produce_blocks API to work, it is imperative to have manual_blocks_enabled = true in the config for the running node. See example below.

    let wallets =
launch_custom_provider_and_get_wallets(WalletsConfig::default(), None, None).await?;
    let wallet = &wallets[0];
    let provider = wallet.try_provider()?;
    assert_eq!(provider.latest_block_height().await?, 0u32);
    provider.produce_blocks(3, None).await?;
    assert_eq!(provider.latest_block_height().await?, 3u32);

You can also set a custom block time as the second, optional argument. Here is an example:

    let block_time = 20u32; // seconds
    let config = Config {
// This is how you specify the time between blocks
block_production: Trigger::Interval {
    block_time: std::time::Duration::from_secs(block_time.into()),
    let wallets =
launch_custom_provider_and_get_wallets(WalletsConfig::default(), Some(config), None)
    let wallet = &wallets[0];
    let provider = wallet.try_provider()?;
    assert_eq!(provider.latest_block_height().await?, 0u32);
    let origin_block_time = provider.latest_block_time().await?.unwrap();
    let blocks_to_produce = 3;
    provider.produce_blocks(blocks_to_produce, None).await?;
    assert_eq!(provider.latest_block_height().await?, blocks_to_produce);
    let expected_latest_block_time = origin_block_time
.checked_add_signed(Duration::seconds((blocks_to_produce * block_time) as i64))